the comprehensive hernia care centre

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For patients

Our Holistic Surgical Care

This practice considers the care of the surgical patient to start even before the initial consultation, and extends through to the formal postoperative follow up visit. We therefore support the patient through all these stages, until the patient is considered to no longer require our assistance. We also strongly believe that patients should be given as much relevant information as possible.

Prior to initial consultation

Upon scheduling the initial consultation, the patient will be sent (by email or post) the confirmation of the appointment details and more importantly relevant medical/surgical background information about the condition that the patient has been referred for (In most instances).
This enables the patient to read these documents and be well-informed prior to the consultation.

Initial consultation

Mr Ahmad in his office
The patient is encouraged to bring a family member or friend to the consultation, to encourage a smooth and clear transfer of information. The patient is also encouraged to bring a list of questions that may arise from the previously emailed information pamphlet.

Clinical Associate Professor Ahmad approaches each referral in a holistic way. He is able to bring his knowledge and experience as a Specialist in Emergency Medicine to assess the whole patient, rather than just concentrating on the presenting disease or condition.

During the consultation, Mr Ahmad uses diagram (drawn or Internet-based) to illustrate the condition and surgical approach to the management. Appropriate operative videos are shown to help explain the surgery. Mr Ahmad typically would use his educator experience in teaching medical students and junior doctors to ensure that the information is provided to the patient in terms that is comfortable to the patient and their accompanying support.

At the end of the consultation, should an operation be indicated, the patient will be provided with the relevant instruction for preparation for the surgery. This includes the fasting and admission time, as well as any other relevant information. An additional 'Discharge Management Pack' is also included.

Appropriate patients will be referred to the other members of the team to optimise their preparative state prior to surgery (please see Pre-habilitation).
Nurse holding patients hand in hospital
Happy senior patient

Discharge Management Pack

This consists of information about the general and specific management protocol for patients upon discharge, detailed information on the discharge medications and suggested regime to use the postoperative analgesia.

Upon discharge

This practice realised that patients often are concerned about what to do after they have been discharged from hospital and some complications may emerge after the patient is discharged. This may affect their recovery and delay the return to “normal” living. To assist patients to maximise their recovery, this practice employs Post-Operative Care Consultants (Registered General Nurses) to liaise by phone with the patient, after they are discharged.

For patients who are staying overnight, on the day after the surgery a Post Operative Care Consultant (Registered General Nurse) accompanies Mr Ahmad on his ward rounds. The nurse will then contact the patient 3–4 days after they are discharged from hospital. Any concern in regard to the postoperative recovery is identified and immediately managed. Should it be deemed necessary, an urgent follow-up can be scheduled.

Postoperative follow-up

The patient is formally reviewed by Mr Ahmad, prior to being totally discharged from the care of the practice.
Communication with the General Practitioner (GP) and referral source
The GP is continually informed by this practice and kept ‘in the loop’ throughout the patient care. This may be in the form of letters generated during each appointment or other contact method.
  • A letter is sent from Mr Ahmad to the GP after the initial consultation.
  • A copy of the Operation note is sent to the GP.
  • A discharge summary is faxed to the GP upon the patient’s discharge from the hospital.
  • A letter will be sent to the GP from the Post Operative Care Consultant after they have rung the patient at home.
  • A postoperative follow-up letter is written to the GP when the patient comes into the clinic for review post surgery.
  • Appropriate patients will be referred to a rehabilitation physiotherapist to assist their recovery and reduce the incidence of hernia recurrence.

Frequently asked questions

Where are the consultations and operations conducted?


Suite 12, Waikiki Specialist Centre
217 Willmott Drive
WA 6169

What is the cost of a consultation?
$230 for the first consultation if have a referral from a GP. You will get a rebate from Medicare.
Do you charge Gap?
Please enquire when booking in for a consultation or when you book your surgery.
How do I make an appointment?

To make an appointment

Call Clinical Associate Professor H. Ahmad at Waikiki on: (08) 9592 2298, or Fax to: (08) 6314 1524 

between 9am–4pm Monday to Thursday.

We will ask you for your full name and address, as shown on your Medicare card, your date of birth and contact phone number.If you have an email address we will send you a confirmation of your appointment details and further information as applicable. Otherwise this information will be posted to you.

What to bring

When you come to your appointment please bring your:

  • Medicare Card/DVA Card
  • Private health insurance card
  • Your doctor’s referral to Mr Ahmad
  • Any relevant test results (blood tests, x-rays, scans).
Where are you?


Suite 12, Waikiki Specialist Centre
217 Willmott Drive
WA 6169

When are you open?
Opening hours are 9am–4pm Monday to Friday.
What do I bring?
Your Medicare Card, Private health card (if you have one), your DVA card (if you have one).

Plus, any details of your surgical and/or medical history with dates (if known) and an up-to-date list of any medication you take.
Can I bring someone with me?
We encourage our patients to bring any relevant support person to the consultation.
We also encourage you to bring and ask any questions you may have.

The surgery process

What happens after I make my appointment?
After you make your appointment, general information about the surgery will be emailed to you.
We will also email you any relevant information on the condition that you have been referred for.
Please take the time to read this—as it will benefit you during the consultation and surgery process.
What happens at my consultation?
We encourage the patient to bring any relevant support person for the consultation. We also encourage patients to bring and ask any questions.

This practice aims to deliver a holistic approach to the patient. We realise the ‘patient factor’ has significant impact on the patient’s ultimate recovery from the surgery. Therefore your surgeon will enquire about you generally, your work and more specifically your past medical and surgical history.

Your surgeon will perform an appropriate physical examination. The support person may be extremely beneficial during this process. A nurse chaperone will also be provided, if the situation dictates it.

Your surgeon will thoroughly discuss your condition. Where appropriate this discussion will be supplemented with photos, diagrams and videos.

At the end of the consultation, the patient will be provided with printed information about the admission process.
What happens on the day of my Surgery?
As part of the preparation for the surgery, the patient may be given an injection to reduce the likelihood of deep venous thrombosis (DVT); a blood clot in the legs after they are admitted to hospital. The patient may also receive other preparations prior to leaving the room for surgery.

Your surgeon will talk to the patient in the preoperative area before the surgery. He will again briefly go through the surgery and will answer any questions.
What happens after my Surgery?

When You Wake Up

You will be taken into the recovery room. You will have an intravenous (IV) in your arm to give you fluids and pain medication. There will be dressings on your wound. There may be plastic drain tubes attached to you.

You will then be taken back to your room. As you become more awake, you'll be given something to drink and eat.

When You Can Go Home

You will be provided with a printed sheet detailing a recommended postoperative analgesia regime. You are encouraged to be actively involved in this process. You will also be provided with printed information on your management upon discharge,

You will need someone to drive you home and to have a responsible adult to stay with you overnight.
What happens after my discharge from hospital?
Your surgeon’s Post Operative Care Consultant will be contacting you a few days after discharge to ensure the recovery is smooth without any complication. Should there be any concern an urgent review will be organised.

General information:

Feeling tired

You will tire quickly in the first few days after the surgery. This is fairly normal. The larger the operation the longer is this period.


The incisions (even for the keyhole surgery) will be cause some discomfort/pain in the immediate postoperative period. There will be some swelling of the incisions. This is normal and will resolve with time.


The dressings over the incisions are typically waterproof. So you will be able to have a shower with them on.
The Perth Hernia Institute and the Post Operative Care Consultant will advise you on the ongoing management of the dressings.


The patient is encouraged to do as much as possible as part of the recovery.


You will be advised you on when it is appropriate to be driving, depending on the type of surgery. This typically will depend on when you can safely control the car.


Your surgeon will advise you how much time off work is appropriate, depending on the type of surgery.
The Perth Hernia Institute works closely with rehabilitation officers and physiotherapists to ensure a smooth and safe return to work.

Clinical Associate Professor Hairul Ahmad 


Suite 12, Waikiki Specialist Centre,
217 Willmott Drive, Waikiki

Practice Details

Suite 12, Waikiki Specialist Centre,
217 Willmott Drive, Waikiki WA 6169
(08) 9592 2298
Fax: (08) 6314 1524

or email us

Office hours

9am–4pm Monday to Thursday

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